Revisiting expanded awareness with Focus 10, 12, then 15, 21 and beyond (?) using the Gateway Experience Home Course from The Monroe Institute

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Intro Focus 15

Okay, so I've been starting from scratch in a sense for the past week or so on holidays, going through the Focus level exercises from 10 through to 12 on a regular basis, as a form of revision and refamiliarisation with the various states associated with these levels, in order to reach the desired objective of becoming comfortable and familiar with Focus 15 and 21, eventually.

Nothing too extraordinary has occurred with the earlier focus levels, aside from the usual kind of NVC experiences and energy movements in the body whilst in a cataleptic state. No surprises there.

Used the Intro to Focus 15 exercise tonight with Laurie's voice and, short of having minimal time in the preparation process stage (why do they have to do that??), there was ample time to rest in Focus 12 which was a nice balance.
Body became very relaxed and cataleptic...had problem even feeling it, aside from chest gently rising when breathing - quite ideal.

Moved onto Focus 15 as guided and slowly moved from time period to time period with different cultures with different feelings associated with them. One appeared to be a desert-like culture, one more around from the time of Robin Hood, it seems, one was very ancient (almost primitive man) where I could hear the language being spoken and what was most peculiar was that the curious primitive language was somehow vocalising in my throat in a subtle manner as I was listening to the exercise.

I thought of the forest-like culture I lived in when I was moving through that particular time period (Robin Hood-esque) and heard a female voice say a number of times, as if to emphasise the word and to help me remember it - "Glissendon". An approximate spelling of course, as I have no idea. She was very insistent on helping me to remember it. :) Did a little search on it and haven't found much yet.

I love Focus 15! So easy to be in and so utterly fascinating. One could rest in that state for ages and not grow bored or tired of it at all. Focus 12 seems very boring by comparison.

At the beginning of the exercise as I was moving from 12 to 15, I heard a voice saying in a slow-motion fashion: "time......less...." A few times over.

Once again in 15, quite difficult to reconnect with current physical identity and everything associated with it, as though it was just very trivial and inconsequential. Which in a way, from a greater perspective, it is quite possibly very true.

The key is zero expectations and just letting things be, paying attention in a calm and detached manner with all the time in the world. ;) Not very hard to do in that state.

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