Revisiting expanded awareness with Focus 10, 12, then 15, 21 and beyond (?) using the Gateway Experience Home Course from The Monroe Institute

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First time Free Flow 21

Ample time once again to allow the body to relax properly and let go in all ways. Before the exercise started however, I did some resonant tuning as the time allowed on the recording is far too short, in my opinion, to get some good 'tuning' in.

Might have to increase the volume up one notch, to see that it's not too loud and is just right as it seems to be a struggle to catch what Laurie is saying at times.

Moved slowly through the numbers in a calm, relaxed manner, but there was also a bit of excitement and anticipation which caused some trepidation/apprehension to be present which was unnecessary and probably affected the ability to fully let go.

As I got to the count of '19' there was then a remarkable change in the sense of both my body becoming very distant and heavy ( a la OBE readiness feeling) and the sense of space in front of my visual field suddenly became energetically alive and impregnated with potential. It was very much like the visual field was a whole Universe of information/energetic environments that was/were ready to appear according to whatever/wherever my focus would be.

I tried to focus on a spot and imagine a point of light and move toward it but to no avail really.
Instead, I then just watched whatever unfold in front of me, and then I saw something coalesce into the shape of a blonde woman with wavy hair in curls moving forward slowly in my direction at an angle, looking somewhat preoccupied and thoughtful in her expression.

After that, I then saw a lady and her husband moving in my direction at an angle again. She seemed very familiar and looked like Val Malley, Mum's old friend who passed away years earlier.

After a little while I saw a view of trees outside in the light, and an image or two which to me represented an opening or doorway. One which was the top of a street which sloped up to an apex with the light of the sky beyond it, like in San Francisco. It felt to me like a beckoning to what was a gateway to beyond.

I also saw at one stage a field of light coming in from the left which stayed there for a while.

Near the beginning of the exercise I asked for help from those in spirit to help me to venture either out of my body or further into the realms of Focus 21. Felt feminine energy present, I think.

I sensed that with time, practicing letting go and becoming more at ease and familiar with the terrain and the feeling of Focus 21 that I would certainly become more involved in interacting with these energetic places.
Very encouraging.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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