Revisiting expanded awareness with Focus 10, 12, then 15, 21 and beyond (?) using the Gateway Experience Home Course from The Monroe Institute

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First time Intro Focus 21

On the recording it takes quite a while to go from 10 to 12 which is really good. Ample time to relax and let go of the body properly. Not the usual 'rush' which is annoying.

Slowly got taken from 12 up to 21. Was a bit hard to hear Laurie's count at times but eventually adjusted to the softer volume.

Didn't seem too dramatic once at 21. Had a feeling of gentle 'potential' to it. Tried to imagine moving into the white light of 21, but all I could imagine was like a twisting vortex tunnel coming toward me and engulfing me. Didn't feel too convincing but felt something.

Tried seeing what was in the darkness 'out there' and felt a whole lot of potent potential, sort of waiting to be either activated or accessed.

I sort of tried to envisage moving towards something and firstly saw something like two different levels, like two ramps separating from each other and rising.
Then I became aware of a door and it seemed a way off, like it was at the end of a tunnel which had rings or layers to it, like in a vacuum tube of a vacuum cleaner. I heard a voice, not my own, distinctly say "Doorway..........A doorway."

Obviously I was being enticed, encouraged or shown what was there waiting for me.

At the end of the experience I kept hearing "Usher" which I just ignored and didn't make the connection that someone was saying they were probably acting as an Usher, that is 'a doorkeeper/an attendant who is employed to accompany someone.'
How very fitting. :)

The time spent in 21 seems far too limited in the 'Intro' exercise, so hopefully the Free Flow version has more time allocated to that state. Given that you enter the 'light of Focus 21' rather than slowly count up towards it, it would seem that there would be greater opportunity available there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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