Revisiting expanded awareness with Focus 10, 12, then 15, 21 and beyond (?) using the Gateway Experience Home Course from The Monroe Institute

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Free flow 21 - 2

This time upped the volume to 2 dashes on my iPhone and it was probably the best choice.
Forgot to do the extra resonant tuning before the exercise started which probably didn't energise me enough...felt a bit disinterested too.

Nice and relaxed waiting for Focus 12 to come along. Moved into the light of 21, as the exercise said.

Saw an image of a very happy bride in all her beautiful dress and outfit, she looked so happy and laughing. It was a full length image of her. Then saw another image of (I can't remember) was it an army lady? Also very active and alive.

Heard a very clear remark made about me (but forgot) and I asked if it was true, and they said 'Oh definitely!' or something like that.

Waited for a while in the state of 21 without much happening, then I became aware of the hissing/vibrations sound that you can get prior to an OBE. They were there for a while without my ever noticing. Was I separated or separating?

Earlier I asked for assistance in any way to leave and move beyond into exploration, so maybe it was being given?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I just came across your blog today - great stuff. I'm also going through the Gateway Experience and enjoying it. I've been trying not to rush, but after 2 and a half months I've reached focus 15 - I'm averaging about 4 sessions per day. I should reach focus 21 in a couple of weeks. I'm excited about it, but there is also the fear that it will be an anticlimax. Anyway - it is nice reading about the experience of someone else using Hemi-Sync.

    1. Hey Paul. Thanks for your kind words. :) There are indeed untold treasures awaiting those who are consistent in their practice of expanding their awareness. I found that my energy had to be right for the experiences to really take off, as otherwise my expectations and impatience I guess interfered.

      Focus 21 is something you will build upon continually, don't worry! Even if you don't take off like a rocket, metaphorically speaking, it opens up something that is so vastly expansive in your perceptual vision, that the sense of potential feels quite breathtaking.
      You actually can sense the vastness when you count up from 15 to 21.
      The number of beings (spirits etc) that you can see around you just casually doiing their own things is quite remarkable. You feel like an invisible tourist of sorts, unless of course they notice you and try to intact.

      It is Vast, with a capital 'V'. :) The potential that is. Don't be disappointed at all if it happens to build upon itself only slowly as you are becoming accustomed to something very non-ordinary indeed. The more relaxed you are with 21, the more easily great things will happen.

      Best of luck! :)

    2. That sounds good Justin. I'm looking forward to it. I am finding that the biggest stumbling block for me has been my expectations.

    3. Paul, I found the same thing. Finding the balance between letting go and not losing control is an art of subtlety, especially when standing on the precipice of the Unknown where we are moving into a new way of doing and being. But achieving that balance is transformation in itself. Wishing you all the very best in 21 and beyond. ;) Did you know that there are 2 Focus 27 exercises also available in the Going Home series? In the future I'll be getting the CD set just for those 2 exercises as they would be quite phenomenal to experience. The exercises are called 'Right of passage' and 'Homecoming', available in the 'Subject' CD set, not the Support version.

  2. I didn't realize that so thanks for telling me. I hope that I can get it as a digital download from the hemi sync website. I've also bought the hemi sync 'Higher' title and apparently this can help people get above 21. I'm not sure if that is true or not though.

    1. I'm not sure if it is available as a digital download either. Yes, I too bought 'Higher' years ago and it's a wonderful recording. :)
      It has such a subtle, gentle quality to it that relaxing into it completely can sometimes be challenging I've found. But I had a lovely, serene experience from it once where I saw a blonde little girl who I felt had passed over and then I saw a beautiful hilltop with a golden sunset and knew this was somewhere on the 'other side'. Maybe where the little girl now lived? I'm not sure.

    2. I found it as a digital download on the hemi-sync website (not the Monroe Institute website). I'll wait eagerly to hear how you get on with it, and I might buy it myself.

    3. That's good to know, Paul. Currently I'm just using MetaMusic titles after work to recharge my brain and feel normal again, but hopefully in a few weeks I can get stuck into Focus 15, 21 etc once more. Work can be so exhausting and I miss these exotic states. :)

  3. These states are fantastic! I actually flew off to do Gateway in Virginia a bit ago, and I would highly recommend it!

    1. Aren't they?! It's so wonderful that we can access something so exotic and yet so eerily familiar in a way. If only so many more people knew about them and weren't so glued to their limited physical reality. :)
